ACC Contract

Presented to you by the U.P.N. parliament.

This contract legally binds the (amount) (of) country's into a group known as the A.C.C. also known as "The Armstrong Class Coalition". Agreeing to this contract ensures safety, imports / exports of goods, and other services, but agreeing to this contract also means that you cannot attack any countrys within the ACC. If there is an attack that takes place, the attacking country(s) will then be kicked out of the ACC and will instantly by enemied and attacked by the U.P.N. and other countrys. The counsil of the ACC will consist of one parliament member from each country. A few countrys have transformed into entire planets within a man-made universe. This universe is completely protected with completely customizable planets. If you would like to join this man-made universe, please contact the U.P.N. Thank you for joining the ACC!

Sign here:










ACC Contract

As seen to the left

Located Before the Document :


The Armstrong Class Coalition

Presented to you by the U.P.N. pariament.